Foods to Include in Your Diet for Healthy Bones and Joints

Foods to Include in Your Diet for Healthy Bones and Joints

Your bones and joints can be strengthened by the food you eat, anything from yogurt to salmon enhances and maintains bone and joint health. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 44 million Americans have inadequate bone density and 10 million have osteoporosis. A total of 54 million people worldwide, or half of all adults over 50, are at danger of fracturing a bone. If this applies to you or a loved one, your bone health should ideally be your top priority. Eating the right foods and taking the right supplements is one such strategy to deal with this issue. 

In fact, just by increasing your daily intake of calcium and vitamin D, bone disease can be avoided. As you age, these two vitamins can help you maintain bone density. For instance, high vitamin D levels can help with energy levels, bone health, and also to reduce muscle weariness. These two nutrients should be present in adequate amounts to help with arthritis.

Some Foods that are Great Sources of Calcium and Vitamin D

Here are some examples of foods that are high in vitamin D and calcium.

  • Salmon: Eating fatty fish is a fantastic source of vitamin D. Three ounces is all it takes to consume more than your recommended daily intake of vitamin D.
  • Cereal: It should be with calcium and be high in fiber and low in sugar. Add milk to the cereal for calcium. You can get 600 mg of calcium from a cup of milk and some whole grain cereal.
  • Milk Substitutes: These substitutes, which range from cashew and hemp milk to almond and soy milk, have been fortified with calcium and vitamin D. For instance, almond milk provides up to 25% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin D and 45 percent of your daily value of calcium.
  • Dark leafy vegetables and greens: Add green, leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, bok choy, and Swiss chard to your regular diet.

In addition to these items, make sure to spend some time in the sun — naturally in moderation. Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” can be obtained in sufficient quantities by spending just 10 to 15 minutes outside each day.

Ask your doctor to check your vitamin D levels frequently, especially if you have osteoporosis. He or she might suggest taking a multivitamin each day. Keeping note of your daily intake will also help you provide instances to your doctor or dietician. Regular activities that involve bearing weight and building muscle are also advised.

As a result, you should be getting enough of these vital nutrients every day if you eat a well-balanced diet that includes dairy, fish, veggies, and fruits.

In the meantime, for expert care of your bones and joints, call us at the Center for Spine & Pain Medicine. We have a host of therapies that can assist you if you experience bone or joint aches and pains. Make sure to maintain a healthy diet, however, you can also give us a call at (706) 279-2635 or (678) 450-1222 to schedule a free consultation and visit one of our Centers in Dalton, GA, Chattanooga, TN, or Gainesville, GA. We are prepared to assist.