Breathing Exercises for Enhanced Comfort and Pain Management

Breathing Exercises for Enhanced Comfort and Pain Management

In the ever evolving sphere of health and wellness, one technique stands the test of time in helping manage pain — controlled breathing exercises. The remarkable influence of deep and slow breathing (DSB) techniques on pain processing can indeed not be understated.


 A Natural Remedy to Pain


Breathing exercises not only foster a positive environment for pain management but also significantly reduce fear, which is directly proportional to the pain experienced; the more you fear pain, the more pain you feel.


Moreover, these exercises naturally bring down stress levels. This is achieved through a calming signal sent to the brain during deep breathing. Consequently, this calming signal is disseminated throughout the body, setting off a series of beneficial reactions such as decreased heart rate, reduced rapid breathing, and a drop in high blood pressure — factors that usually escalate with increased stress.


 Breathing Exercises You Can Try


Below we explore some breathing exercises that are not only easy to perform but can be done almost anywhere, providing a readily available tool to manage pain and stress. To enhance the results, consider incorporating meditation and yoga into your routine for a wholesome approach to wellness.


1. Belly Breathing

A simple yet effective method to start your journey to pain relief.


  •  Sit comfortably.

  •  Place one hand on your stomach, below the ribs, and the other on your chest.

  •  Inhale deeply through your nose, pushing your belly out without moving your chest.

  •  Exhale slowly, pressing gently on your stomach to push all the air out.

  •  Repeat up to 10 times.


2. 478 Breathing

A practice that can be done sitting or lying down to help calm your nerves.


  •  Keep one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.

  •  Take a deep breath, counting to four.

  •  Hold the breath and count to seven.

  •  Exhale gradually, counting to eight.

  •  Repeat until you feel calm.


3. Roll Breathing

Perfect for focusing on the rhythm of your breath.


  •  Lie on your back with bent knees.

  •  Place your left hand on your stomach and the right on your chest.

  •  Engage in a cycle of inhales and exhales, focusing on a rhythmic breathing pattern for about 10 cycles.

  •  Introduce a chest component, inhaling first into your lungs and then inhaling up through your chest.

  •  Repeat daily, gradually building the ability to practice it anywhere.


4. Lion’s Breath

A unique exercise to relax facial and jaw muscles.


  •  Get on your hands and knees, spreading your fingers wide.

  •  Inhale through your nose before opening your mouth wide to exhale, sticking your tongue out and curling it downward.

  •  Repeat this process, making a "haaa" sound while exhaling.


5. Resonance Breathing

A gentle exercise that can alleviate stress and pain.


  •  Lie down with closed eyes.

  •  Inhale gently through your nose for six seconds.

  •  Slowly exhale for the same amount of time.

  •  Repeat this for about 10 minutes.


 Seeking Professional Assistance

At CSPM, we house specialists adept at pain management, offering noninvasive treatments that perfectly complement these breathing exercises. Discover a sanctuary of relief and experience heartfelt pain management at CSPM


Connect with us at or reach out to us at Dalton & Chattanooga: (706) 2792635 | Gainesville: (678) 4501222 to find a solution tailored for you.